86 CHEF-Tips: Bell Peppers For Life…
I don’t like going to the grocery store…I don’t like spending money, I don’t like shopping without my handsome Chef Hubs, I would much rather go to the local Farmer’s Market. But, it’s February and it’s just not the season.
So, I make it worth it….I buy 3 packs of tri colored bell peppers and 3 green bell peppers. I spent probably $15.
I start by washing the peppers with my Four Thieves fermented vinegar (I’ll make a post with a recipe next time I make some, it lasts FOREVER).
Then I simply portion out julienne cut servings for tonights dinner (fajitas) and a future frozen meal, cubed cut for a future frozen meal (probably a chilli). I use my vacuum sealer that I got off of Amazon for $35 religiously. I put 3 fresh bells to keep in the AMAZING Debbie-Meyer-GreenBags. These bags are a SUPER TOOL and help keep our veggies and fruits fresh in the fridge for WEEKS.
Then I make tonights dinner with our Fajita Spice blend, steak, chicken, and shrimp…and have 3 more meals worth of bells for the next culinary adventure at our Family Home Kitchen at Iron Lady Farms…