“86 CHEF-Tips”…
It all begins with an idea.
Professional Chefs are some of the most innovative, resourceful, and creative people on the planet….
We were lucky enough to have one of the best Certified Executive Chef's in the WORLD as one of our Founders, Father, and Husband. After losing Nate, our family had to learn the skills of nutritious, cost-effective, resourceful, and kid-friendly meal prep.
Our 86 CHEF-Tips is a series of practical tips from the heart and minds or our family to yours…Our Chef may be 86’d from our physical kitchen, but his love and example continues to inspire and guide us every day.
86 CHEF-Tips: Bell Peppers For Life…
This is how we never run out of veggies…
I don’t like going to the grocery store…I don’t like spending money, I don’t like shopping without my handsome Chef Hubs, I would much rather go to the local Farmer’s Market. But, it’s February and it’s just not the season.
So, I make it worth it….I buy 3 packs of tri colored bell peppers and 3 green bell peppers. I spent probably $15.
I start by washing the peppers with my Four Thieves fermented vinegar (I’ll make a post with a recipe next time I make some, it lasts FOREVER).
Then I simply portion out julienne cut servings for tonights dinner (fajitas) and a future frozen meal, cubed cut for a future frozen meal (probably a chilli). I use my vacuum sealer that I got off of Amazon for $35 religiously. I put 3 fresh bells to keep in the AMAZING Debbie-Meyer-GreenBags. These bags are a SUPER TOOL and help keep our veggies and fruits fresh in the fridge for WEEKS.
Then I make tonights dinner with our Fajita Spice blend, steak, chicken, and shrimp…and have 3 more meals worth of bells for the next culinary adventure at our Family Home Kitchen at Iron Lady Farms…